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How to Create Pick Tickets and Shipments

Group your products into multiple "pick tickets" and convert into shipments

Mike Maloney avatar
Written by Mike Maloney
Updated over a week ago

A confirmed sale is shipped by grouping your products into one or more "pick tickets" and converting those tickets to shipments. You can convert the pick tickets to shipments using the Pick & Pack interface, or directly from within the Sales Order.  See our Manage Documents for Sales Order Knowledge Article for more information. Your inventory levels are only reduced when a pick ticket is converted to a shipment

How to Create Pick Tickets

After Confirming your Sale, Pick tickets are created from the individual sale workflow page. It represents a single intended shipment from your warehouse and may contain the order in its entirety, or just part of the order.

You can create as many pick tickets as you wish. For each Pick Ticket, a Delivery Note or Commercial Invoice PDF can be generated. You therefore may wish to create a pick ticket per physical box packed.

For more information on Confirming Sales Orders, please see Manage the State of a Sales Order Knowledge Article.

Creating Pick Tickets Manually

To create a pick ticket for a sales order, first, open the order by navigating to Order Management >> Sales Orders.

If you don't have an existing order you would like to create a pick ticket for, consider creating a new one. It's important to ensure that the order has been confirmed before creating the pick ticket.

On the sales order page, click the Create button and select Pick Tickets. Alternatively, just the Create Pick Ticket button.

You'll notice that the dialog also shows you a set of "Remaining to pack" quantities. These quantities reflect the total remaining units that Uphance expects you to pack for this sale. The value also takes cancellations into account (reducing the quantity required to ship).

If stock is available, the pre-set quantities will correspond to the quantities shown as "Remaining to pack". Lower pre-set values indicate that you have a shortfall of stock to fulfill this order. The value present will be the maximum quantity that Uphance thinks you can have present in stock and available to pack. Bear in mind that Uphance takes into account quantities in other existing pick tickets so it may be lower than the quantity showing as "in stock" under your inventory report.

Check the line items you'd like to include in your shipment, adjust quantities if necessary, and click "Create pick ticket" to create the shipment.

Creating a Pick Ticket Automatically

One of the beauties of using Uphance as an inventory management solution is that it gives you the option to create a pick ticket automatically every time you create a new Sales Order.  To have Uphance create Pick Tickets automatically:

  1. Navigate to the Settings menu

  2. Select Channel & Currencies from the Settings menu

  3. Click the Edit icon (pencil) next to the Channel you would like Pick Tickets created automatically for 

  4. Scroll down a bit and click the checkbox next to  "Create pick ticket automatically" 

How to Edit a Pick Ticket

You can continue to edit your pick ticket until you decide to convert it into a shipment. (Note:  You will only be able to edit or create a Pick Ticket AFTER you have confirmed the Sale). To edit a pick ticket, navigate to your pick ticket and you will be able to:

  • Enter a tracking number

  • Print a packing slip/delivery note

  • Record the weight

  • Print a Commercial Invoice (for international shipment)

  • Adjust quantities and add other, ordered products

  • Delete the pick ticket

To edit individual line items, click on the "edit icon" (pencil) at the end of each row to modify the quantities.

To Edit a Pick List (or Shipments), click on the edit icon (pencil, top right).  From there you can change the Shipment/Pick Ticket Number, Shipping Cost, Dimensions, Net Weight, Gross Weight and Warehouse for your Shipment.  Click Update Shipment when you are ready to save your changes.  

If you only know the Gross Weight or Net Weight in a particular measurement but need it displayed on the documents in another measurement, let Uphance do the conversion for you.  Enter the weight in pounds (lb), then select grams (g), kilograms (kg) or ounces (oz) from the drop-down menu.  Uphance will automatically do the calculation for you!  

Note:  If you do not want weight printed on your Delivery Notes, leave the weight fields blank.

If you see red boxes around certain quantities within the pick ticket, then you have insufficient inventory to ship that quantity. Hover only the quantity to see the current inventory level.

Printing Delivery Notes and Commercial Invoices

Use the "Documents" drop-down on the pick ticket or shipment to generate a delivery note/packing slip or a Commercial Invoice for the shipment.  

NOTE:  In order to get images on the Delivery Note, you will need to "check" the box under Settings>Paperwork to put images on the delivery notes:

Printing Pick Tickets in Bulk

If you have many pick tickets you wish to print at once, you can easily do so with a few clicks of the button. To do so, select the pick tickets you wish to print, click the Print button, and select Pick Tickets. The Pick Tickets will be downloaded as a PDF.

How to Convert a Pick Ticket to a Shipment

To convert a pick ticket into a shipment, open the sales order and then the pick ticket for that order. Next, click the Ship button. And like that, you've created a shipment for that order.

Filtering Shipments Based On Dates

You can easily filter out shipments based on dates. This feature will come in handy when you are looking to find all the shipments you made between, say, January and March.

To filter, open the shipment page and input a date range. The system will filter out all shipments made between those dates.

Note: Shipment filtering is done based on when products were shipped not when the shipment was created.

Case in point: Have a look at the shipment below. Even though it was created in November 2023, it wasn't shipped until January 2024. When filtering shipments based on dates, the system will use the latter.

Undoing a Shipment

If you need to revert a shipment back to the pick ticket, you can do so by clicking the "Unship ↩" link at the bottom corner of the shipment.

Inventory will increase accordingly and you will be presented with the unshipped and editable pick ticket.

How To Export a Pick Ticket

Uphance offers several options for exporting your Pick Tickets to your logistics provider. You can export them as CSV, Excel, or PDF.

To export as CSV or Excel, click the Actions button. Then select your preferred export format.

But if you wish to download it as PDF instead, click the Print button instead followed by Pick ticket.

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