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How to Add Manufacturers and Suppliers

Manage your manufacturer & supplier profiles, assign MID codes to manufacturer

Brenda Beckham avatar
Written by Brenda Beckham
Updated over 3 months ago

Manufacturers & Suppliers

Manufacturer and/or Supplier details can be stored in your company database. You can store company information, addresses and individual contacts. Almost all the documentation that covers customers is also applicable to manufacturers. You should first read through the documentation on customers to learn about adding basic company, contact and address data. The following page adds information specific to manufacturers and suppliers.

Adding a Manufacturer or Supplier

To add a new Manufacturer or supplier, navigate to Production/Purchasing >> Vendors

Click the Actions button at the top right corner followed by New Vendor. Enter the vendor's name and select vendor type (Manufacturer or Supplier). Then input all the required fields and click the Create Vendor button when you are done.

And with that, you've successfully added a manufacturer or a supplier. You can always edit the vendor's information whenever the need arises.

Manufacturers & Currencies

When creating a manufacturer, the currency you select is the currency in which your manufacturer quotes and charges. In turn, this will be the currency in which you enter manufacturing prices for associated products. It will also be the currency used when building a production order for this manufacturer.

You can change a manufacturer's currency at any time. Note that this will not change the currency of any existing production order. You should ensure that a manufacturer's currency is set correctly before you start to create production orders.

Also, when you change a manufacturer's currency, the currency of all product variation manufacturing prices will also change. However, the manufacturing price will not automatically convert to the equivalent value in the new currency. For example, if you have a product with a manufacturing price of 10 EUR, changing the manufacturer's currency from EUR to GBP, will result in the product having a manufacturing price of 10 GBP.

Uphance also lets you enter contact and address data during the production workflow, so it isn't strictly necessary to enter all of your manufacturer data before getting started entering production orders. You may, however, have an existing spreadsheet of contact data that you want to import.

You can also specify "tags" for your manufacturers and suppliers to help locate them more quickly in the future.  See our Tags Article for additional information.

Note: Currently, you cannot delete an individual contact that has been referenced from a production order.

Add an Individual Contact

Navigate to Product / Purchasing >> Vendor. Click the associated manufacturer or supply, then add a contact like so:

Adding Location

The process for adding a location is very similar to that of adding a contact.

Other Features

You can also set other default settings for the manufacturer or supplier including favorite products, financial and tax information.  You can also see the Production Order History for the manufacturer on this page.

Associating Products With Manufacturers

  1. Navigate to the relevant product.

  2. Under "Variations:" scroll down to the "Production" section.

  3. Select the manufacturer from the drop-down list.

  4. Enter a production price under "Unit price" if necessary.

  5. Click the "Save" button to save your changes.


Within your Product's Variation tab, you will find a Shipping section that allows you to associate your Swatch images and standard colors to the product's Textile content and weight by typing them directly into the appropriate fields as shown below.

The Tariff Code, Country of Origin and Intrastat Code are "editable" fields in this Product variation view.  However, the MID Code is "read-only"

How to Assign MID Code to a Manufacturer/Vendor

To assign MID code to a manufacturer/vendor, open the vendor from the Production/Purchasing panel, edit details and assign a MID code like so:

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