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An Overview of The Warehouse Management System
An Overview of The Warehouse Management System

A guide to using Uphance's Warehouse Management System effectively

Christopher Ike avatar
Written by Christopher Ike
Updated over 6 months ago

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Setting up, managing and organizing your warehouses online just got a lot easier, thanks to Uphance's Warehouse Management System. With our warehouse management system, you can receive your production orders and add them to stock, pick, pack and ship your products to your customers on time, and control your material and product inventory effectively.

Furthermore, you can control your stocks with the stocktake functionality, and receive products which you can put away into bins. Uphance allows you to create a customized warehouse layout easily, transfer items from one warehouse to another one, or transfer your items from one bin to another quickly.

Introduction to Warehouse Layout

Uphance enables you to create and customize warehouse layouts manually, allowing you to adjust your warehouse structure based on your physical warehouse.

To do so, follow these steps:

1. Click the Settings icon on the left sidebar

2. Click the Inventory option

3. Choose the warehouse that you want to set up a layout for and click the Edit icon. If you haven’t created a warehouse yet, you can click the Create icon and add one.

4. After clicking the Edit icon, you will see a “Setup warehouse layout” button on the warehouse settings page.

5. Click the button and you will be redirected to the layout management page. This will take you to the Bin set-up page. Click the Edit Warehouse Layout button at the top right corner to continue.

Uphance layout management tool allows you to create warehouse structure visually. To create your customized layout, you will need to add aisles, rows, shelves, bins and racks. Before going any further, let’s explain these 5 terms in detail.

Aisles, Rows, Shelves, Bins, and Racks

Aisle - The space between rows of storage racks or shelving units, used for accessing stored items and moving equipment such as forklifts and pallet trucks.

Row - A series of storage racks or shelving units arranged in a line, often forming an aisle.

Shelf - A flat, horizontal surface used to support and store items within a rack or shelving unit.

Bin - A small, enclosed container used to store smaller items within a rack or on a shelf.

Rack - Refers to a series of shelves or frames used for organizing and storing items in an e-commerce warehouse. It can be a freestanding unit or part of a larger storage system.

Uphance layout system technically visualizes this system to design your digital warehouse.

Now, you can start creating your warehouse structure by creating your aisles and rows designs. To do this, click the “Setup warehouse layout” button. After clicking, you will be redirected to a page where you can design your warehouse layout.

Then follow these steps:

  1. Insert the number of aisles you want

  2. Insert the number of rows you want

  3. Click Next

Note that when inserting aisles and rows, you will see a live update on the right rectangular box. Setting up aisles and rows will determine your number of racks.

After clicking the Next button, the next thing to do now is to customize your shelves and bins individually.

To do so, click the “What is the shelf?” and “What is the bin?” links, and you will see the below demonstrations which explain the structure visually:

To complete this step:

  1. Insert the number of shelves

  2. Insert the number of bins

You can click on the rack from the right box to set up shelves and bins for the rack. Clicking the rack letter will select the whole racks for that letter.

Clicking only on one side of the rack will only select that side of the rack. To change all shelves and bins, edit the number on the fields on the left side without selecting any rack.

The system will automatically generate bin labels for every bin that you have created. You can print labels by following these steps:

  1. Click the Print Label button

  2. Click the Print Label button again on the next page

You can print the labels for one single bin, or for the whole bin:

If you print all labels for bins, the labels will be listed based on your warehouse structure.

Viewing, Editing, and Adding New Bins

Uphance makes it easy to view all the bins in your warehouse at a glance via the Bin Lists page. On this page, you can change your bins' location, number, type, rack, etc. You can even add a new one as well:


Uphance stocktake functionality allows you to check and control your stock levels. Stocktaking is the process of counting and recording the number of items in your warehouse so as to ensure they match the actual quantity in your inventory.

Stocktaking helps you to keep track of stock levels correctly, identify discrepancies, and make informed decisions about reordering and managing your inventory.

Follow the steps below to perform a stocktake:

  1. Click the Warehouse Management tab, then Stocktake:

After clicking the Stocktake button, you will be redirected to the stocktaking page. On this page, you will see all stocktaking activities. But if there are no previous stocktaking activities, you will only see an empty page. To start stocktaking, click the New Stocktake button on the right upper side of the page.

Once you are on this page:

  1. You need to choose the warehouse from the Select warehouse dropdown list. Selecting a warehouse is mandatory.

  2. After that, if you want to stocktake your whole warehouse, choose the “Whole Warehouse” option. If you want to do stocktaking for a specific location, choose the specific warehouse location.

  3. You can also specify a specific brand or a category by choosing your options from the “Select Brands” and “Select Categories” sections. Note that you can also select these two options at a time.

  4. After completing these steps, click Next

Now, you will be redirected to the product listing page. This is where you get to scan your products and initiate stocktaking for the selected warehouse, brand, or category.

Once the scanning process commences, your products will start to appear on the screen.

Below are the steps to fire up the stocktaking process:

  1. Scan the label of the Bin and it will automatically be made the first row. By doing this, your products will be scanned only for this bin. After scanning your bin label, a Bin row will be added to the line. If you are not using Bins, you can directly start scanning product SKUs.

  2. Then start scanning the products of this bin one by one. Note that if the SKU you are scanning is different from the previous SKU, then the system will create a new row. But if they match, the system will add a new row instead. You can also insert the number of rows you want manually by typing it in the count section.

  3. After completing the scanning process, you can scan your next bin label and repeat the same process

After the scanning has been completed, you will see the list of your bins, product name, product identifier, color, season, SKU, barcode, and the number of items.

On the right top of the page, you should see the following buttons:

  • Back - Your progress will be saved and you will be redirected to the previous page

  • Delete - Deletes your stocktaking activity

  • Save - Saves your current progress

  • Next - Takes you to the next stocktaking page

After completing your scanning process, click Next. Upon clicking, you will see the scanned products overview page. Keep in mind that Uphance automatically saves your progress each time you click the next button.

On the next page, you will see the result of your stocktaking process in a tabular form.

  • Number of SKUs - Shows the total number of scanned SKUs

  • Total number of units - This shows the total number of units that were scanned

  • SKUs with increased counts - Stocks of SKUs which increased after scanning

  • Number of increased units - Shows units that increased after scanning

  • SKUs with decreased counts - Shows SKUs which decreased after scanning

  • Number of decreased units - Shows of units which decreased after scanning

Click the Next button after the process has been completed. If you have any SKUs that haven’t been scanned, the system will display a warning, which can be any of these:

  • Number of SKUs - shows the total number of SKUs that were not scanned

  • Number of units - shows the total number of units that were not scanned

If you see this warning, there are a couple of things you can do to fix it.

One, you can decide if you want to set the unscanned SKU stock level to zero. Alternatively, you can skip updating those SKUs. Note that, you can always go back and scan those SKUs if you have missed those products.

Once you’ve completed all activities and are ready to complete the stocktaking process, hit the Complete Stocktake button. Upon clicking, you will see the list of updates as shown below:

  • Total number of scanned SKUs

  • Total number of scanned units

  • Scanned SKUs with increased counts

  • Number of increased units of scanned SKUs

  • Scanned SKUs with decreased counts

  • Number of decreased units of scanned SKUs

  • Total number of unscanned SKUs

  • Total number of unscanned units

You can click Yes to complete the stocktaking. After confirming this activity, the below will be applied:

  • Scanned SKU stocks will be updated to the displayed number

  • Unscanned SKU stocks will be updated to 0

  • You will be redirected to the Stocktake listing page


Putaway is the process of storing incoming stock in a warehouse in an organized manner. It involves finding a suitable storage location (e.g. bins) for the received goods, and placing them in the designated area, in preparation for further processing (e.g. picking, packing, and shipping).

The putaway process also involves recording the storage information in the inventory management system. The goal of putaway is to maximize space utilization and ensure efficient order fulfilment.

Uphance allows you to complete this process effectively. Follow the steps below to start the putaway process.

  1. Click the Warehouse Management tab, followed by Putaway:

To proceed with the putaway process, you need to select your target warehouse. That is, the warehouse you want to add products to. After that, click the Next button.

The Putaway process is quite straightforward. You have two options to do it:

Option 1 - With a Scanner

Option 2 - Manually

If you are doing putaway with a scanner (option 1), follow these steps:

1. Activate the Scan functionality on the left header by clicking the toggle button.

2. Scan the Bin label - After scanning, the Bin will be automatically added to the row. This means the next items which will be scanned will be added to this bin. Note that all scanned products will be added to this bin unless you scan a new bin.

You also have the option of adding the bin manually without scanning.

3. Scan the product SKU - After scanning the product's SKU, the system will automatically place the product into the specified bin within the warehouse. If the SKU hasn’t been scanned before, you will see a new row for that. If it has been scanned before, then it will increase the quantity of the existing SKU. Also, you can edit the quantity manually. Progress will be saved automatically.

4. Scan the next bin label

5. Scan the next product SKUs

6. Repeat these steps for other product placements

7. Click the Complete button

After completing your putaway process, you will be redirected to the putaway listing page.

If you are doing putaway manually (option 2), follow these steps:

1. Toggle the Scan button at the top left corner to deactivate scanning.

2. Add your bin label manually

3. Add your product SKU numbers one by one

4. Click Complete

Note: If you are not using bins, you won’t be able to add bin label numbers; just products. This means your products will be added to the selected warehouse without bins.

If you want to erase all the data and start again, click the Delete button on the top right corner and then accept the terms. Then, you can start the putaway process afresh again.

Bin Transfer

Bin transfer is a feature in Uphance’s warehouse management system (WMS) that enables you to efficiently move products from one bin to the other within your warehouse.

The process involves scanning or manually selecting the items and the source bin, then specifying the destination bin manually or automatically via scanning. Uphance then updates the inventory database to reflect the change in location, enabling accurate tracking of inventory within your warehouse.

Bin transfer helps to optimize warehouse operations and improve productivity by reducing the time required for manual inventory tracking and movement.

To do a bin transfer operation, open the Warehouse Management and click Bin Transfer.

You will have to select your target warehouse to start the transfer. After that, click the Next button.

You have two options to do bin transfer operation:

Option 1 - With a Scanner

Option 2 - Manually

If you are doing bin transfer with a scanner (option 1), follow these steps:

1. Scan the source bin you want to transfer the products from. After scanning, the Bin will be automatically added to the row. The next items you will scathe will be transferred from this bin. All scanned products will be added to the transfer list unless you scan a new bin. Bear in mind that you can add bin labels manually without scanning.

2. Scan the SKUs of the products you want to transfer. The scanned product will automatically be added to the list. If the SKU has not been scanned before, you will see a new row for that product. If it has, the quantity of that SKU will increase. You can also manually edit the product quantity. The progress will be saved automatically.

3. Scan the destination bin where you want to add selected products. You can also add this information manually.

4. Repeat the steps for the other products and bins.

5. Click the Complete button.

If you are doing bin transfer manually (option 2), follow these steps:

1. Deactivate the Scan option from the top left section

2. Add your source bin label manually

3. Add your product SKU numbers one by one

4. Add your destination bin manually

5. Click the Complete button

Note that if you are not using bins, this functionality will not be available for you.

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