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Use the Dashboard for a quick view of the health of your company

Brenda Beckham avatar
Written by Brenda Beckham
Updated over 4 months ago


The Dashboard provides a quick way for you to see the "health" of your company in terms of customer demands vs. delivery capabilities.  

Also, it allows you to quickly access vital details you need to make key decisions about your business.  All of the items on this Dashboard are also accessible from the main vertical menu.  However, the Dashboard provides a quick overview of key figures, saving you the stress of navigating around to find them.

The Dashboard is the first thing you will see when you log in to your Uphance account and as you navigate away from it, you can quickly return by clicking "Dashboard" on the main left vertical menu.

Getting Started Guide

If you are new to Uphance, you may want to walk through the Getting Started Guide located at the top of your Dashboard screen. 

The Getting Started Guide will walk you through a checklist of tasks that will help you get started with the basics.  (Note the image below does not depict the full checklist.  See your Getting Started Guide for the full list.)  


You can also receive "notifications" (alerts) for key activities that take place within your organization from your Showroom, eCommerce and Accounting integrations.  These are displayed in red on the "bell" in the top right corner of your dashboard.

Upcoming Invoices

Use the Upcoming Invoices section of the dashboard to see invoices that are due as well as the outstanding balances.  These are listed in ascending chronological order by due date.  Using the blue vertical bar on the right, hold your left mouse button to drag down to see additional invoices with outstanding amounts and their due dates.  If you want to see the details of the invoice, just left-click on the invoice.

Upcoming Ship Windows

Use the Upcoming Ship Windows section of the dashboard to see when you need to start shipping products.  These are listed in ascending chronological order by date.  Using the blue vertical bar on the right, hold your left mouse button to drag down to see additional product shipping windows.  If you want to see the details of the order, just left click on the order.

Customer Orders / Production Orders / Projected Revenue & Gross Profit

Using the tabs at the top, you can select "By Season" or "By Year".  By Season allows you to view how your orders are progressing for your Seasons from a revenue, profit and inventory (supply/demand) perspective.  Use By Year if you want to compare how you performed in prior years.  


The Activity section at the bottom of the dashboard allows you to see what changes are happening within your organization.  And, it gives you a quick way to drill down into orders that were received or products being shipped with a click of a button.

Note:  You can also see Activity grouped by Activity, Spreadsheet Imports and Email Messages by navigating to Settings>Activity.   

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