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Receiving Production Deliveries

Receive your Production deliveries into your inventory

Mike Maloney avatar
Written by Mike Maloney
Updated over 4 months ago

Production Deliveries

After Production Order confirmation, the items on a production order can be received into inventory in one or more "deliveries" allowing you to see what products are available to ship to your customers.

A delivery is just a grouping of production that is received by you at one time. You build a delivery record in much the same way as you build a shipment for a customer order. When you've finished entering the products and quantities received, you can "check" the items into inventory.

How to Create a Delivery

Ensure that your production order is confirmed. Then, to create a delivery:

  1. From the "Create" drop-down choose "Delivery".

  2. Click the checkboxes on the left to select the line items that you are receiving.

  3. Amend quantities if necessary and click the "Create delivery" button.

You'll then be taken to view the new, draft delivery. Note that your inventory levels won't be updated until you mark this delivery as checked into inventory.

Check delivery into inventory

  1. From your production order, click on the delivery in question.

  2. Click the "Check in →" button to add the quantities to your inventory.

Inventory levels will be updated and you will be redirected back to the delivery. You'll notice that the quantities are now locked. If you made a mistake, it's possible to reverse the check-in by clicking the "Reverse ↩" link at the bottom left.

If you have a large list and you only received partial, you would create "Delivery A" for those items.  Once they are added to the "Delivery A", later when you receive the remaining items, you will create a new delivery (Delivery B).  When you see the selection list for that Delivery B, you will notice none of the items or quantities that were on Delivery A are displayed for your selection.  You will only see products remaining to be received.

To Print Labels, see our Knowledge Article on Hang Tags.

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