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Integrating your Uphance account with the JOOR marketplace gives you the chance to enjoy a seamless wholesaling experience for your apparel business.
This means more sales and revenue for your business. Plus, you get to focus on growing your business while leaving mundane tasks like order fulfilment to the experts.
In this guide, we will show you the steps to integrating JOOR with Uphance without breaking a sweat.
Adding the JOOR App
To start using JOOR in Uphance, first, you need to add the app. To do so, log in to your dashboard, and navigate to Apps >> All Apps.
Once on the All Apps page, scroll down a little until you locate the JOOR app. Then click the Add button. Upon clicking, the app will be automatically added to your account.
You will find it on the My apps page.
Configuring JOOR
After adding the JOOR app, the next step is to initiate the configuration process. To do this, click the Configure button like so:
Clicking that button will open the JOOR configuration page.
Testing Your Connection
When you add JOOR for the first time to Uphance, it's important you test it to be sure everything is working fine.
To do so, on the configuration page, click the Do you want to use Sandbox API checkbox.
Then enter your JOOR API Token into the appropriate field. Then scroll down a bit and hit the Test Connection button.
If everything is working fine, proceed to the next step.
Sending Inventory To JOOR
You can easily send product inventory from a particular warehouse straight to JOOR. To do so, select the warehouse you want to send the stock from the Uphance warehouse dropdown. Then pick the inventory you want to send from the What Inventory do you send dropdown.
It's best you go for the Available (recommended) option as it contains both stock available and those in production.
Matching Product Categories
When connecting Uphance with JOOR, it's important you ensure that your product categories in both platforms match.
To add product categories - or edit existing ones - before matching them, navigate to Settings >> Product Setup
When the Product Setup page opens, scroll down a little to the Product Categories section.
Here, you can edit, delete, or add a new product category. To add a new category, simply click on the + icon at the top like so.
When you are done editing, deleting or adding a new category, head back to the JOOR configuration page by navigating to Apps >> JOOR.
Now, you are ready to match product categories in Uphance with JOOR. To do so, pick a category in Uphance and then select a matching category in the adjacent category column for JOOR.
Sending Product Season to JOOR
Uphance allows you seamlessly send products to JOOR with a few clicks of the button.
To do so, select the season you want to select pick products from like so:
Then customize your selection by choosing your preference. For example, if you want to send images alongside your product season, click the Do you want to send images checkbox.
When you are done, click the Send Products to JOOR button.
Sending Customers to JOOR
You can also send customers to JOOR in the same way you send products. To do so, select the channel you would like to send customers from.
Then click the Send Customers to JOOR button and you are done.
Receiving Sales Orders from JOOR
When a customer places an order for your products on JOOR, you will automatically get the sales order right in your Uphance account.
To check for sales orders coming from JOOR, navigate to Order Management >> Sales Orders.
Next, pick JOOR from the All Sales option:
Doing so will filter out all sales orders coming from JOOR.