An Overview Channels
Channels allow you to set different pricing streams for your products. For example, if you sell your products mostly to wholesale customers but have some private clients, you can define two pricing structures by creating a channel for each type of sale. Later, you can segment your reports, dashboard and other areas of Uphance by channel.
How to Create a Channel
Navigate to Settings > Channels & Currencies. After that, take the following steps:
Step #1: Click the plus icon at the top right corner. This will bring up the new channel form:
Step #2: Enter the name of the channel. You can call it whatever you want and change it later.
Step #3: Select a currency. This is the currency that all sales associated with this channel will be billed. After creating the channel, you will be able to configure pricing for your products in this currency. Keep in mind that you cannot change a channel's currency later. Finally, select the channel group and click the Create Channel button.
Step #4: Configure the currency channel. Upon clicking the Create Channel button, you will be taken to the channel configuration page. Configure the channel accordingly and update.
Setting Channel Pricing
You can price your products separately for each of your channels. When you edit your product's variations, you'll see fields for entering wholesale (WSP) and MSRP/RRP pricing for each channel.
The following screenshot shows a product variation screen with four channels:
Wholesale USD Channel
Wholesale EUR Channel
eCommerce USD
Retail USD
For each channel, the wholesale (WSP) price is the price you are charging customers. The MSRP price is used to optionally provide suggested retail pricing on certain paperwork (delivery notes, line sheets etc.) If you click in the MSRP column, you actually get recommended amounts based on your total cost. For more details, see our Product Variation documentation.
Editing Channels
After you created a Channel and you want to make a change (e.g. hide it or rename it):
Navigate to the Settings page
Select Channels & Currency
Locate your Channel
Click on the edit icon (pencil) at the end of the row
Make your change
Click Update Channel when you are ready to save.
Pick Tickets
Uphance provides an option to create pick tickets automatically for your 3rd Party Providers (e.g. Shopify) when an Order is placed or when you manually enter a Sales Order. To have your Pick Tickets created automatically,
From within your Channel, click the checkbox next to "Create pick ticket automatically".
Click Update Channel.
If this field remains unchecked, you will need to create the Pick Tickets manually. Creating Pick Tickets does not "ship" the products. You will need to create Shipments when you are ready to ship.
Entering Your Bank Details
If you are using channels to sell in an alternative currency or through a subsidiary business, you will probably want to customize the bank details printed on invoices. This is easy to achieve on a per-channel basis. To do so:
Navigate to Settings > Channels.
Click the edit icon to edit the desired channel.
Enter the bank details.