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How to Create New Products and Edit Existing Ones
How to Create New Products and Edit Existing Ones

Create a new Product & enter (or edit) Product details

Brenda Beckham avatar
Written by Brenda Beckham
Updated over 2 weeks ago

One of the cool features of Uphance is that it makes adding and managing products a breeze.

You can add products individually or import them in bulk by uploading a spreadsheet, and in this guide, we will show you how to go about it.

Adding Products Individually

To add a new product, navigate to Product Lifecycle >> Products >> Add New Product. Enter all the needed fields, particularly the mandatory ones. For the style number (which is the same as the product identifier), you can either allow the system to create it automatically or enter a style number manually.

Here's a quick breakdown of all the fields:

  • Style # (Product Identifier) - The style number (or product identifier) is the unique number you assign to a product for easy identification. This number can be used across multiple seasons. As an example, if you have the same product in the Spring as you have in the Summer, you can carry over all configuration items using the style number. Furthermore, you can choose to generate it automatically or manually. Click here to learn more.

  • Style Name - This is the name you give the product

  • Season - Assign a season to the product. You can assign as many seasons as you want. If you don't assign a season, the system will automatically pick the one with the highest hierarchy.

  • Sizes - Specify the sizes you would like to use from the drop-down menu. For more information on editing your sizing system, please see our Sizing Systems Knowledge Article.

  • Colorways - Specify the Colorways for your product. This is the list of color/material variations for this product. You must select at least one color/material variation. This information is important and will be used to complete your Product Image and Swatch Images and Color Standards. See those Knowledge Articles for additional information.

  • Product Status: This is the current status of the product. You can learn more about product status here.

Note: You can choose to make the product a bundle by clicking the This is a product bundle checkbox. Learn more about product bundles here.

Product Identifier

As we said earlier, product identifiers can be generated manually or automatically. To generate them automatically, open Product Setup settings and select the parameters (fields) you want the system to use.

These parameters will become the compulsory fields on the product creation modal.

Bear in mind that the system generates the "sequence" number in the background, so you don't have to manually select it. If you have a change of mind and wish to remove these fields, simply delete them and then save.

To add additional fields for product identifiers, open the tags and custom fields page, edit the tag you wish to add, and change its Product hierarchy field to "yes".

Product Status

Product status indicates the current state of a product, which could be active, retired, or whatever value you want. To add a status, open the product setup page, navigate to product status, and add a new one.

Adding Custom Categorization Variables (Besides Size and Color)

By default, you can only categorize your products based on two variables: size and shape. The problem, however, is that these variables can only work for apparel products.

What if you sold, say, handbags and caps - products that don't work so well with sizes and shapes - how would you categorize them?

The simplest solution is to create your own custom variables. So, instead of size, you could use shapes, and sheen instead of colors.

To add a custom category to a product, open it and change Size to whatever you want to use:

To change the color variation to something else, click the Variations tab and change it like so:

Adding a Third Variant to Products

By default, you can only create variants for your products based on sizes and colors. But what if you wanted to add a third variant based on, say, inseam or fabric type? Well, you can do that now.

To do so, first, you need to create a custom field and set it as a Variant. This can be done by navigating to Settings >> Tags and Custom Fields. Here, you can either add a new field or edit an existing one; only be sure to set Field place to Product and click the Variant type checkbox.

With the custom variant created, you can then proceed to create a new product and set a third variant as illustrated below:

Do bear in mind that when you add a third variant to a product, it will reflect on the product's sizing and SKU, meaning the system will incorporate the newly added variant into the product's size specification and SKU number.

Adding a Product Cover Image

Once you've added your products in Uphance, the next important step is to add a cover image. Kindly refer to this article to learn how to go about it.

Adding Descriptions to Products

Scroll down to the Description section where you can enter descriptions for your eCommerce, Showroom and Line sheets for your product.

If you are pressed for time, you can use Uphance's AI product description generator. To use it, simply click the Auto Write button like so:

Don't forget to save your work when you have entered this information by clicking on Save blue button in the top right corner.


Scroll down to the Sales section to see all the sales generated by a product, who bought them, the order number, etc. For more information on the "shore more" feature, please see our Sales Order Knowledge Article.

Related Products

Directly below the eCommerce/Showroom section on your Product>Details tab, you will see a section for "Related Products". The "Related Products" works similarly to "Favorites" on Contacts>Customers. You can add or remove products in both places. These products will be displayed for your customer to entice their interest while they are browsing this particular product. For example, if your product is a blue shirt, you may have other blue shirts you want to display as "related products". Or, perhaps there are boots, scarves, purses or other accessories that would complement that product.

NOTE: For your eCommerce/Showroom, the "favourite" products will appear for your customers as well if the products are in a Season that is not marked "hidden" and is marked to "Show in Showroom" under Settings>Season.


Scroll down to the Activity section to see what activity has occurred related to this product.

How to Locate An Existing Product

If you have already created or uploaded a product to Uphance, you may want to find it again to make edits, modify inventory levels, update SKUs, link it to your Shopify store, update variants or swatch images.

Locating an existing product is as easy as 1, 2, 3! You can search for it by season, manufacturer, category or even tags!

To locate an existing product, navigate to Product Information >> Products. On this page, search for the product by inputting the name. Alternatively, use the filters to locate it as demonstrated below:

Managing Product Prices

The easiest way to manage your product prices is via channels and currencies. To do so, open the product you want to adjust prices for, click the Variations tab and enter selling prices based on channels.

It's important that you understand how channels and currencies work before using this method, so be sure to check out that help guide.

Managing/Updating Product Prices via Spreadsheets

Another way to manage product prices is to use a spreadsheet. To do so, open the products, add a filter (optional), and then download the products as an Excel. Edit the file by inputting your product prices in the right column (be sure not to delete any column). Finally, save the edited file and reupload it, and like that, your product prices will be updated.

How to Delete/Retire a Product

You can always delete or retire a product at any moment you deem fit. So how does deleting differ from retiring?

When you delete a product, every trace of it will be completely wiped off the system, and the only way to add it back again is to recreate or upload it from an Excel/CSV sheet.

On the other hand, when you retire a product, it will still be available in the system, just that you can't create a sales order out of it anymore. But you can always reactivate it at any time and start creating sales orders with it.

Note: You can't delete a product that has already been added to a sales order. The best you can do is to retire it.

To delete or retire a product, navigate to Product Information >> Products. Select the product you have in mind and delete/retire as demonstrated below:

How to Assign (And Change) a Manufacturer to a Product

When you add products to Uphance, you can set the manufacturer you wish to contract with the production. You can do so on a per variation basis, meaning even though it's the same SKU, you can assign different variations of the product to different manufacturers.

To assign a manufacturer, open the product, click the Production tab, select a vendor and save:

Note that for this to work, first, you need to add the manufacturer as a vendor. Also, you can follow the same procedure to change the manufacturer.

Adding a Note to a Product

If a product is still in development, you can add notes and tag members of your team for collaborative purposes.

How to Assign Country of Origin to a Product

When shipping a product, you may want to assign a country of origin to it. To do so, open the product, click the Variations tab and assign the country as shown below:

How to Import Products Via a Spreadsheet

Looking to import products using a spreadsheet? Check out this help guide to learn how to do so.

How to Upload Product Images in Bulk

Would you like to upload product images in bulk rather than doing so one at a time? You can!

However, before uploading, you need to ensure the images are properly named to make it easy for the system to identify the products they belong to. The acceptable format for naming your images is shown below:




e.g: 123456_code_dress.png

After naming your products appropriately, put them all in a folder, then navigate to Products >> Actions >> Bulk upload images. Select the folder and upload:

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