Uphance allows you to add and manage multiple warehouses, with each serving a different purpose. For example, you can use a warehouse to store products, another for materials, another for consignment orders, and yet another for inventory bins.
Enabling Multi Warehouse
You don't have to do anything in particular to enable the multi-warehouse functionality. It automatically kicks in when you add a new warehouse to your account.
Use Cases of Multi Warehouse Functionality
Once you enable multi-warehouse, you will notice the additional warehouse selections become available to you across the board on all your sales orders, pick tickets, shipments, production orders, deliveries, inventory adjustments, SKUs, inventory reports, etc. While the details of managing these items are addressed in the other relevant Knowledge Articles, let's show you areas where you can apply the multi-warehouse functionality.
Sales Orders
When you create a new Sales Order, you are presented with the option to specify which Warehouse you plan to fill the order from. Select the drop-down menu under Warehouse as illustrated below:
Pick Tickets/Shipments
When your products are ready to ship and you create your Pick Tickets, select the appropriate Warehouse from the drop-down menu as shown below:
Note: If your customer is set up as a Consignment customer, their Warehouse will automatically be the Consignment Warehouse.
Production Orders
When submitting your Purchase Orders for your Production Orders, specify which Warehouse you want your supplier to deliver the product to. The Purchase Order option is on the main left vertical menu directly below your Production Orders.
From your Production Orders, select "Delivery" from the right drop-down menu. There you will see a drop-down menu to select the Warehouse in which you want to receive your new production order into your inventory.
Inventory Adjustments
When performing manual stock adjustments, click the edit button and change your Warehouse to one of your newly created warehouses.
Use your Inventory Adjustments as explained above to receive your products from your suppliers into the appropriate warehouses. Then, from the SKU's menu, select which Warehouse you would like to view products for as shown below. You can access the SKU's menu from your main left vertical menu. Or, you can also see your SKU's directly within your specific products.
Inventory Reports
All Inventory Reports allow you to select which warehouse you want to include on the report. You can report on your current inventory levels at each warehouse or you can report on what inventory is needed to fill orders by each warehouse. See the reporting section for additional reporting options. The reporting section is available by selecting "Reports" from your main left vertical menu.